Are you Feeling Lost? Stuck? Unfulfilled?

Do You Want to

Dream Powerfully

Work Passionately

and Live Purposefully?

The Purpose Pays Off™ Coaching Program will help you
get crystal clear on your purpose and and empower you to channel it into a meaningful, abundant life you truly love!

Book a Free Consultation Now…
Click Here!

STOP Feeling Stuck & Unfulfilled!

START Living Purposefully!

START Doing Work You Love!

START Earning Big!

My Purpose Pays Off™ Coaching Program will help you find your purpose and channel it into meaningful, lucrative work you truly love!

Book a Free Consultation Now!
Click Here!

Have you ever thought...

I’ve been there too, and I understand how it feels…
But life is too short to live day after day without a purpose motivating your life and career…
Don’t spend one more day feeling unmotivated, stuck and unfulfilled.
You deserve to feel joyful, successful, wealthy and completely fulfilled.
My life purpose and career coaching meets you wherever you are in life and empowers you to find your purpose and channel it into a meaningful, lucrative career you truly love!
Rick Harrigan Headshot

I’m Here To Help

Rick Harrigan

As an internationally certified coach (PCC, CPC, ELI-MP, ANFT), I help people discover their purpose and channel it into a fulfilling, lucrative career doing work that they love. View Rick’s Story

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) – International Coaching Federation
  • Certified Professional Coach (CPC) – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
  • Energy Leadership Index – Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
  • Positive Psychology Course Certification
  • Certified Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) Guide

As Seen On

Thrive Global
Blog Talk Radio
Life Coach Radio Networks

Personalized Career & Life Purpose Coaching

For Wherever You Are In Life




Are you looking to get started down your career path with purpose and clarity? Do you want to be thoughtful, soulful, and intentional about your life? Let's get things started the right way!



Are you feeling burnt out, unfulfilled and stuck in your career? Do you want to make a change but don't know where to start? Want to reignite your passion? Change starts here!



Are you satisfied in your career but want to live more purposefully? Do you want to amplify your power, passion and productivity?  Let's take your entire life to the next level!

Want to chat further about your situation and how I can help?

Start with a Free, Zero-Pressure Consultation!

Here’s How the Purpose Pays Off™ Program Works:

1 | Clarify

Clarify your Purpose and the work that is the ideal expression of it

2 | Create

Create a plan of attack to land the perfect job or even build your own business

3 | Activate

Activate your plan to boldly unleash and perpetuate your purpose to live a better, more fulfilling life doing work you love!

Next Steps

Don't let one more day go by feeling unfulfilled.
Find clarity, purpose, and joy in your life and your work!
It all starts with a Free, No-Pressure Consultation!

Ready to embrace your purpose? Use the link to below to find upcoming available times for your free consult!

Download Your Free Ebook!

Enter your info to access the FREE Ebook:
3 Simple (And Absolutely Essential!) Steps to Find Your Purpose!

Check your email for the download link! (And if you don't see it, check your spam folder!)