I’m Here To Help

Rick Harrigan

As an internationally certified coach (PCC, CPC, ELI-MP, ANFT), I help people discover their purpose and channel it into a fulfilling, lucrative career doing work that they love.

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) – International Coaching Federation
  • Certified Professional Coach (CPC) – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
  • Energy Leadership Index – Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
  • Positive Psychology Course Certification
  • Certified Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) Guide

I’m Here To Help

Rick Harrigan

As an internationally certified coach (PCC, CPC, ELI-MP, ANFT), I help people discover their purpose and channel it into a fulfilling, lucrative career doing work that they love.

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) – International Coaching Federation
  • Certified Professional Coach (CPC) – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
  • Energy Leadership Index – Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
  • Positive Psychology Course Certification
  • Certified Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) Guide

As Seen On

Thrive Global
Blog Talk Radio
Life Coach Radio Networks

I was born in New Jersey and grew up in a working-class, blue-collar household. I studied hard, worked tirelessly, and became the first person in my family to go to college. After graduating from Rutgers University, I packed the car with a couple trash bags full of clothes and moved to Los Angeles in order to follow what I thought were my dreams of going to Berkeley Law School and becoming an environmental lawyer.

As fate would have it, law school fell by the wayside and I ended up spending the next two decades working as a sales and business development executive in corporate entertainment. To the casual observer, I was living the dream – big salary, big house, nice car, fancy dinners. Beneath the façade of success, however, I felt disenchanted, dissatisfied and disconnected from my true self.

I. Was. Utterly. Burnt. Out.

At the end of my rope, I experienced what I now like to call my “mid-life awakening”. I started working with a coach and started making changes. Big changes! I rediscovered my spirituality. I reconnected with my inner strengths and innate talents. I clarified my beliefs and values. I answered the “really big” questions about my life. I created my own, unique definition of success. Most importantly, I overcame my fears around money, my fear of the unknown, and my fear of what other people might think or say!

For the first time in my life, I believed wholeheartedly in myself. I stopped playing small and started playing big. I found my clarity, my mission and my calling in life: I wanted to help people live better, more fulfilling lives. I wanted to be a career and life purpose coach.

In short, I found my purpose! 

I quit my job and moved to Colorado in order to fulfill my calling as a career and life purpose coach and I’m happy to report that I’ve never been more joyful, successful and fulfilled. I can honestly say that I’m doing exactly what I was put on this earth to do. Most importantly, I am being 100% authentic and living a life of purpose! Now I pay forward my skills and hard-won experience to help other people find their purpose and live the lives they were born to lead.

Here’s the great news: YOU totally can do it too!

I invite you to embark on your own journey of awakening, purpose and fulfillment with me!

Here are some other facts about my journey and coaching:

Personalized Programs For Wherever You Are




Are you looking to get started down your career path with purpose and clarity? Do you want to be thoughtful, soulful, and intentional about your life? Let's get things started the right way!



Are you feeling burnt out, unfulfilled and stuck in your career? Do you want to make a change but don't know where to start? Want to reignite your passion? Change starts here!



Are you satisfied in your career but want to live more purposefully? Do you want to amplify your power, passion and productivity?  Let's take your entire life to the next level!

Next Steps

Don't let one more day go by feeling unfulfilled.
Find clarity, purpose, and joy in your life and your work!
It all starts with a Free, No-Pressure Consultation!

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3 Simple (And Absolutely Essential!) Steps to Find Your Purpose!

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